“The SDA Church’s Hidden Holocaust Closets” also exposes the SDA Church’s self-serving “Adventist Media Hype.” Such hype is laden with pacifying ad nauseam excuses (and willful statements of perjury) of why Seventh Day Adventist Churches brazenly participated in Nazi activities and ideology. One such ad nauseam excuse is that "the ungodly nature of [Nazi] ideology had not clearly been identified.”
“For 12 years, the SDA Church/SDA Nazis (who participated in Nazi activities) knew about the “ungodly nature” of Hitler’s Nazi ideology. They knew about the “pure inheritance” of German superiority, which Adventists helped advance. They knew about concentration camps, gas chambers, and skeletons of innocent Jewish men, women, and children piled high on the ground and/or in massive graves. Yet, Adventists “did not raise a voice against the persecution of countless Jews.” [1] With first-hand personal knowledge of the SDA Adventist Church overflowing with anti-Semitism to this day about 65 years after the Holocaust, the author states:
“SDA Churches are cemented in Christian anti-Semitism from their foundation floors – to the top of their steeples of brick and mortar, metal, wood, and glass.” – lzb
“By their own deeds and actions of “evil fruit” from “corrupt trees,” the SDA CHURCH/SDA NAZIS called the mass murderer “Fϋhrer” and SDA Nazis “good,” and 6 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children “evil,” whom card-carrying SDA Nazis helped destroy in the Holocaust. Further, Adventists still refuse to recognize the State of Israel by continuing to call it “Palestine.” They also sympathize with Ishmael’s “wild man” seed of violent force and terror via pro-Ishmaelite/Arab Palestinian causes that want to wipe Israel off the map! Obviously, Adventists have a combined evil anti-Semitic Ishmaelite/Amalekite yachas [genealogy] (inherent in their bloodline/genes) somewhere down the line, in this author’s view.”
“Nothing has changed in the Seventh Day Adventist Church before or after the Holocaust. Adventists are still blatantly anti-Semitic to this day. The SDA Church will continue to teach Luciferian hate against Jews until all of Ellen G. White’s “manifestations” of “Christian” anti-Semitism in her writing/books are purged, destroyed, and/or burned! That’s why the SDA Church’s superficial response (about 60 years after the Holocaust) that they’re “SORRY” is meaningless. Adventists are still being taught by EGW . . . to hate Jews to this moment in time – worldwide. EGW’s anti-Semitic “Christian” hatemongering statements of bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination against Jews in her writings/books, written in the 1800s, set the tone in the SDA Church that other Adventists can do the same to this moment in time.”
(NOTE: Ellen G. White (EGW) wrote countless false malicious statements of anti-Semitic “manifestations” (including a “doctrines of devils” of a Goebbels' Big Enough Lie that “the Jews crucified Jesus)." She is the pillar and chief founder cornerstone of the SDA Church since about 1863. Her volumes of writings/letters/books have been read for over 150 years by multi-millions of Adventists, and on thousands of SDA Church pulpits worldwide to this day. Her “manifestations” of anti-Semitic statements of bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination against Jews have also been incorporated into Seventh Day Adventist doctrines, teachings, publications, and Sabbath School lessons, etc. Many of EGW’s vile anti-Semitic writings are exposed in the above-mentioned book. It is this author’s further belief that the SDA Church and SDA General Conference have used EGW books/writings as a platform to advance Seventh Day Adventist Christian anti-Semitism against Jews to this day).
2004 OSCE Berlin Declaration: This European declaration (supported by the U.S. government) emphatically states that all “manifestations” of anti-Semitism must be publicly condemned “without reserve.” This means that all the vile anti-Semitic writings of Ellen G. White’s books, etc., published by the SDA Church since the 1800s (including in all SDA Church publications such as Signs of the Times magazines), must be publicly condemned also “without reserve.” All such “manifestations” “pose a threat to democracy,” and “the values of civilization” as it did for 6 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children. Jews were victims of such “manifestations” of anti-Semitism in the Holocaust by way of the SDA Church and church-going SDA card-carrying Nazis!
The Estate of Ellen G. White, SDA Church, and SDA General Conference must also be publicly condemned “without reserve” for knowingly tolerating, ignoring, and advancing Ellen G. White’s “manifestations of anti-Semitism” for over 150 years. They have published/sold/distributed her anti-Semitic writings/letters/books, and also advanced her anti-Semitic statements in countless SDA publications for many decades to this day. Until all of Ellen G. White’s “manifestations of anti-Semitism” in her writings/letters/books, etc., written about 150 years ago are purged, destroyed, or burned, Seventh Day Adventists will continue to teach anti-Semitism against Jews with impunity – for another 150 years!
All Gentile “Christian” Seventh Day Adventists today have a spiritual, moral, and historical legacy of shame of “collective guilt” on their bloodstained hands for their utter failure to visit the sick, give food to the hungry, and clothes to naked neighbors in the Holocaust! Indeed Seventh Day Adventists/SDA Nazis willingly participated in hate crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human/civil rights abuses in Hitler’s mass murder of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children about 65 years ago. Therefore, a common expression could be set forth to the SDA Church as follows:
If seventh day adventists are truly “sorry” for their indefensible sda nazi participation with hitler in destroying the precious lives of 6 million jews in the holocaust, Let the SDA Church “put their money where their mouth is.”
LET ADVENTISTS TAKE THE 5-R STEPS SET FORTH IN chapter 7 of THIS book AS FOLLOWS: "rEPENTANCE, RE-EDUCATION, REMEMBRANCE, RESTITUTION, RECONCILIATION." otherwise, the self-serving “Adventist Media Hype” laden with pacifying ad nauseam excuses regarding SDA NAZI bloodstained hands IN THE HOLOCAUST is SUPERFICIAL, insincere, AND meaningless!
[1] FAIR USE NOTICE: Plantak, Zdravko, Dr., The Silent Church: Human Rights and Adventist Social Ethics, “Adventists in Nazi Germany,” Macmillan Press/St. Martin’s Press, 1998. A brief extract regarding Adventists not raising a “voice against the persecution of countless Jews” has been used for critical commentary under the Fair Use doctrine in U.S. Copyright law. Dr. Plantak is a Seventh Day Adventist scholar and Chairman of the Religions Dept. at Columbia Union College.
1 comment:
This is great article. I was publicly humiliated on the steps of Tabernacle SDA Church in Portland, OR. I brought homeless people to the church. The church made it clear that was not allowed. Adventists are Satanic.
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